ICM Online Scholarships (BSc, MBA, MSc)

ICM Online Scholarships (BSc, MBA, MSc)
ICM Online Scholarships (BSc, MBA, MSc)

The Institute of Customer Management Online Scholarships are meant for those who can not afford the tuition fee, are exceptional candidates, and would like to study for the our online programmes. This scholarship covers 100% of the tuition fee. Candidates will need to pay a minimum registration fee for each course they study.

Programme of study:

ICM Masters in Business Administration (MBA)


BSc in Business & Management

Number of Awards:

Up to ten awards per year

Target group:

This scholarship is open to students all countries of the world.

What’s covered?

The scholarship covers full costs of tuition fees for the online degree programmes. MBA/MSc students who are awarded this scholarship will need to pay GBP 100 as registration fee for each course they study. BSc Business & Management students will need to pay GBP 50 per course as registration fee.


1. Get admissions to the programme

  • You will need to fulfil all of the criteria for the programme you are applying to.

2. Financial need

  • You are in a position where the cost of the programme is a significant financial burden
  • You can demonstrate the financial need for the Scholarship

How to Apply

You need to complete the admissions requirements for the degree programme you are applying to. Visit our web site for more details. www.icustman.com


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