Top 5 Scholarships in Germany That Will Cover Your Entire Tuition

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1. The DAAD scholarship

The scholarship is open to students from all over the world and can  cover up to 12 months of study in Germany. To be eligible, you must have  excellent academic records and have an enrollment in a German  university or college.

2. The Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program includes tuition and living expenses, travel to  and from Germany, health insurance, language courses, cultural  activities, and an orientation seminar.

3. The Deutschlandstipendium

The scholarship is usually valid for two years and can be extended for  another year if the student continues to demonstrate excellent academic  performance.

4. The Ernst Reuter Scholarship

This scholarship provides full coverage of tuition fees, as well as a  stipend for living expenses for up to two years. It also includes a  one-time travel allowance of 1000 Euros to cover costs associated with  moving to Germany.

5. The Bundeswahlkreis International Scholarship

The scholarship covers all tuition and fees, as well as a monthly  stipend of around €800. In addition, it also covers the cost of health  insurance and a travel allowance to help with any costs associated with  travel to and from Germany